About Me
Welcome to The Colour Yellow!
I'm new to the blogging world, but love to write and feel like I've got something to say, about a lot of things really, so I figured I'd create a space for me to do just that.
You might think the name is a bit random; it is! But there's meaning to it, so stay with me a minute...
I wanted to call my blog "The Colour Yellow" for a few reasons:
- I do actually love the colour yellow! It's bright and happy and I feel like its a colour that smiles!
- I'm a lawyer (more about that to follow in some of my blog posts) but I don't feel like I fit the traditional mould for one really. Anyway, I once did a colour personality test at work and, surprise, surprise, I came out as a yellow - just me and two others in a team of 20 lawyers - which shows how un-lawyery I am at my core! So, I like to think of myself as a yellow lawyer.
- I want this blog to be a place for you to receive vibrant and engaging content which makes you smile. Maybe not always; I can do serious too! But mostly I want to write in a way that leaves you feeling happy by the end, even if challenged in the middle. I want to bring brightness and positivity to the world of words.
My Story
Ha! Where to start with this?
Looking from the outside, I guess I'm a pretty normal girl (if 'normal' can really be applied to any of us, that is!).
I grew up by the sea, in a loving family who put Jesus first in everything and encouraged me to do the same, which *spoiler alert*, I have.
I'm a Christian. I don't know what comes to mind when you hear the word "Christian", but I like to think I'm different from the stereotype which is invariably negative. If you're reading this and you know me, I do hope you'd agree! There's definitely a blog to be written on this another time. For now, in short, know that for me, being a Christian means recognising I'm very flawed and often make mistakes and yet somehow God knows that (because he made me!) and loves me unconditionally, exactly as I am (cue Bridget Jones clip!). It means, saying sorry to God for all the times I go wrong and mess up and it means trying to live in a way that loves others and brings glory to God.
Thanks to my childhood and memories of long summers at the beach, I love the coast and water. I bought into the whole paddleboarding craze during Covid and my ideal summer day would be getting out on the water for a paddle, with a delicious picnic and great company. Oh - yes, I should probably mention at this point, I'm a massive foodie!
As a teenager my family moved to Cambridge which, at the time, was the worst possible thing my parents could have done to me. In hindsight, I believe it was my saving grace and set me up for many elements of the life I have now and the friendships which were a lifeline through the turbulent teenage and student years and which are, to this day, my ride or dies.
I moved north to pursue University and then further north (much to the despair of my mum!) to try and get into the legal profession; somewhere I had felt for a long time I was destined for. To cut the long and winding story of my career journey short, (I may do a separate blog on that!), I made it to where I thought I wanted to be and I've been a lawyer for the past 8 years.
After years and year of praying fervently, a period of serious questioning of God and more bad first dates than anyone should have to endure (there's probably going to be a blog on that too!), I met the man of my dreams, and my now husband, on a Christian dating app called Salt in early 2022, and we're now starting out on the exciting journey of married life together!
This blog is something that really excites me and I now don't know why it took me so long to get started with it. Who knows, it might well flop, but I hope not and, after all in any event, "nothing ventured, nothing gained".
So, if you're reading this, thanks for stopping by and I hope you can join me as I venture out on this blogging journey.
I'd love to hear from you!
If you enjoy my content or even have something you'd like me to write about, let me know and I'll do my best to listen and engage.
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